Mental Illness as Monsters

From Illustration to Reality

I believe art is a fluid realm of many media. From painting to digital illustration to photography there exists a cohesion. A need to tell a visual story.

Recently I had seen images floating around the ‘net by a talented Korean-Canadian artist, Sillvi. Her project was titled, “Mental Illness as Monsters,” and for this project she drew various mental illnesses as distorted, horrific creatures. This art spoke to me, as I have strove to create achingly beautiful pieces about everyday peoples’ mental health struggles in my own project, “The Weight”.

Thus a connection was born with my friend Courtney to bring a few of Sillvi’s masterful illustrations to life. This gallery showcases the original artist’s work side-by-side with my photographs.

Please be sure to follow and support Sillvi! On Instagram she is @sillvi_illustrations and her Patreon is Sillvi Studios.