The Weight of Time Blindness

For some, time is money. For others, time is irrelevant. But for those with ADHD and on the autism spectrum, time can slip between one’s fingers without even realizing.

The ways the plight of time blindness take hold of a person is to make them unaware of how much time they have to allot to do a task or to make them not realize how scheduling works. They may be late for buses or trains. They may take too long to do a certain task or project. '

As the world rushes by, there are those who cannot keep up with it. For Manders, this is especially true in how she is able to get around her day. Often time falls into the background of simple pleasures, and thus meaningful schedule is lost. This is a hard aspect of ADHD to grasp for those on the outside of the spectrum, but it can be draining , in quite a literal sense, for those who cannot keep up with the hands of a clock.


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